Ryan Rappaport & Andrew Farrior – The HappyMunkey Podcast Eps. 67

Happy Munkey Podcast
Happy Munkey Podcast
Ryan Rappaport & Andrew Farrior - The HappyMunkey Podcast Eps. 67

This week Ramon and Vlad go straight to the Boulevard with Ryan Rapaport and Andrew Farrior, managing partners of Digital Ventures Partners, to talk about what they call “Portfolio Branding” and how to use different platforms to create value for your brand!

They also discuss some of the cannabis companies that they think are doing branding right, as well as highlight some of the signs that a brand might need some tweaking to reach its full potential. They also stress the importance of embracing cannabis culture and the lifestyle before trying to crossover to mainstream audiences.

Lastly, they hit home the importance of collaboration and how more collaborative efforts in the cannabis industry will raise the tide for everyone.